Parent Forum

The Parent Forum is open to all Trust parents to observe or attend any of its meetings.  Meetings take place each term and are supported by the CEO, Directors and Academy Principals

The aim of the Parent Forum is to represent the views of parents and carers and to influence the way in which education is provided by Hatton Academies Trust. The Forum plays an active part in the design and development of our educational services by ensuring the needs and wishes of children and families are heard and placed at the centre of these processes.  It also informs the Trust where the experience of children and families does or does not meet the expectations we set out in each academy.

Actions raised from parental feedback are then discussed in future meetings and an annual survey is also created around topics highlighted to be of interest.

*The Parent Forum planned for Tuesday 25th June has been cancelled, our next date will be communicated to you in due course*

Please find below copies of previous notes for your information:

Parent Forum AGM Notes 30th April 2024

Parent Forum Notes 30th January 2024

Parent Forum Notes 3rd October 2023

Parent Forum Notes 25th April 2023

Parent Forum Notes 31st January 2023

Parent Forum Notes 27th September 2022

Parent Forum Notes 14th June 2022

If you have any questions or would like to attend the next meeting, you can contact us on:

We are currently seeking a new Chair for the forum, if you are interested in volunteering for this role, please get in touch for an informal chat.