Welcome From The CEO

The central mission of all at Hatton Academies Trust is to provide an education without limits for every student we have the privilege to educate, regardless of their background.

We recognise the power that education has to remove the deeply ingrained link between poverty and academic underperformance.

In order to achieve our mission, we do not over complicate and strive to secure teaching that is consistently excellent, leadership that is outcomes focussed and inspiring and standards of behaviour that are rated as exemplary.

The other part of our mission statement is to act with integrity at all times. In order to achieve this, we expect all who work in our organisation to put the best interests of our students at the heart of every decision made.  We place great emphasis on building effective partnerships and relationships across all of our student, professional, parental and leadership groups.

As an organisation we are humble, we recognise that professional learning flows from our interactions with all practitioners who work with us and who work outside of our organisation.  Excellence can be found in every school and it is our professional duty to seek this out, use it to improve ourselves and others and ensure we celebrate it. Our successes are built on the hard work and professionalism demonstrated by each of us.

As a Multi Academy Trust (MAT), we are in the privileged position to be able to play a leadership role in shaping the future of our sector and of society.  As CST state in their recent paper – A Bridge to the Future, ‘Civic Trusts are created with the sole purpose of advancing education for the public benefit’.  If we are to aspire to this, we need to demonstrate leadership that acts with and on the education system in place through maximising the benefits or working with others, whilst improving the system in which we work.

We welcome those who wish to come and experience our educational provision and learn about the values upon which that provision is based.  Our academies are places where our students are happy, learn effectively and develop as well rounded people.  Without exception, we expect their choices of behaviour to be pro-social and positive and support them to achieve this as they complete their educational journey with us.

Rob Hardcastle - CEO