A ‘Good’ Ofsted Report for Ecton Village Primary Academy!

Staff and children at Ecton Village Primary Academy have been celebrating the positive outcome of the school’s most recent Ofsted inspection which confirmed it as a ‘good’ school. The report, published by Ofsted this week, is the academy’s second inspection since joining our Trust in 2016, with the outcome of each inspection resulting in a higher Ofsted rating than the one before.
Ofsted inspectors, who judged the academy to be ‘good’ in all five areas of the inspection framework, praised leaders for ‘leading their subjects well’ and explained that ‘subject leaders have received high quality leadership training and support from the trust.’
The report noted that ‘One pupil spoke for many when they said, “This is a great community. Even though we are a small school – we are a big family!”’
Academy staff have been praised with the report saying, ‘Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They provide clear explanations. Pupils’ misconceptions are quickly picked up.’
The inspection team were very positive about the work the academy carries out with parents and its staff stating that ‘Parents and staff are extremely complimentary about the leadership of the school. Some said that they would “not know where they would be” without the support they receive.’
Other highlights of the report include:
- ‘Pupils are proud to attend Ecton Village Primary Academy. They said that they feel happy and safe.’
- ‘The school is calm. Learning is not disrupted by poor behaviour. Pupils co-operate and enjoy playtime together.’
- ‘Teachers are ambitious for all pupils. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive effective and caring support.’
- ‘This is a “reading school”. Pupils have access to high quality books of different genres. They enjoy rhymes and poetry. Pupils show enthusiasm for reading. They said that having a book is like “having a friend”.’
- ‘The early years environment is purposeful. Resources are accessible to all the children, including those of pre-school age. Activities are stimulating. Adults are attentive and patient.’
- ‘Parents said that they had “struck gold” in their choice of school.’
Kate Cleaver, our Principal at Ecton Village Primary Academy, said:
‘Securing an Ofsted rating of Good for Ecton Village Primary Academy is a significant achievement for the school and the wider community. It is testament to the hard work and commitment of our wonderful children, parents, staff and directors. We are delighted to receive this excellent report; it really captures the quality of education our pupils receive every day. As a staff, we remain focused, determined and ambitious in our pursuit to achieve an exceptional level of education for our children.’
Rob Hardcastle, our Chief Executive Officer, said:
‘This positive report provides a clear statement regarding the high standard of education provided by all who work at Ecton Village Primary Academy. Directors and staff have prioritised long term sustainable change and it is right that Ofsted have recognised the impact of this approach. I have no doubt all who work at Ecton will continue their journey to achieve educational excellence for every pupil.’