Hatton Academies Trust Fun Run 2017

Staff and pupils from Hatton Academies Trust enjoyed another successful fun run event on Friday (July 7). All academies within the trust participated, with Sir Christopher Hatton Academy (Year 7s and sixth form support), Oakway Academy, Victoria Primary Academy and Ecton Village Primary Academy taking part.
The fun run took place on Friday The event was held at Sir Christopher Hatton in Wellingborough and started with an enthusiastic warm up led by the sixth form house captains. The race was officially started by Wellingborough’s mayor and mayoress, Cllr Paul Bell and wife Carol.
All participants received a race for life medal, and as well as the children running there were many families supporting them who joined in too. The funds are still being collected but are expected to be in excess of £1,500 total raised for Cancer Research. Time for a high five! Rob Hardcastle, Head of Primary Education, said:
“All three primaries running together in the Hatton Academies Trust fun run demonstrated the true sense of the trust ethos – a community coming together. “On one of the hottest days of the year, the children didn’t stop smiling, some even ran twice. “I am enormously proud of the staff, children and would like to thank all of the families that participated in the fun.”
Victoria Bishop, CEO of Hatton Academies Trust, said:
“The Hatton Academies Trust fun run is our annual flagship event now in its fourth year. More than 1,500 medals were given out on the day “This was our biggest and best event with Victoria Primary Academy, Oakway Academy, Ecton Village Primary Academy and Sir Christopher Hatton Academy Year 7s and support from sixth formers raising funds for a fantastic cause. “I am enormously proud to be the CEO of a trust that is focused on the local community and the best outcomes for its children. “This event epitomises this in every aspect. “We handed out over 1,500 medals to the children, staff and families that joined in. “My thanks and congratulations to all that supported this event and in doing so enrich the children’s experiences.