Safeguarding Key Documents

In this section you will find all of our key documents – to access other safeguarding policies please click here.

HAT DSP Job Description

HAT Staff Code of Conduct - September 2023

HAT Code of Ethical Practice

Keeping Children Safe In Education - 2023

HAT Child Protection Policy and Procedures - 2023

HAT Children Missing in Education Policy

HAT Peer on Peer Abuse Policy 

HAT Guide - Dealing with sexual bullying harassment and violence

Guidance For Staff On Information Sharing

Guidance for Safer Working Practice

Statutory requirements & guidance

Working Together To Safeguard Children

Supervision Of Activity With Children Which Is Regulated Activity When Unsupervised

Drug Advice For Schools

Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Between Children In Schools & Colleges

Safeguarding Children In Whom Illness Is Fabricated Or Induced

The right to choose: multi-agency statutory guidance

Child abuse concerns: guide for practitioners

Child sexual exploitation: definition and guide for practitioners

Child abuse linked to faith or belief: national action plan

Childhood Neglect Training Resources

What To Do If You Are Worried A Child Is Being Abused

Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation

Prevent Duty Departmental Advice

Parental Responsibility Advice For School

Multi Agency Statutory Guidance on FGM July_2020

Early Help Strategy 2020-23

Early Help Whose Responsibility

Children Missing Education

FGM Mandatory Reporting Procedural Info

FGMPO Fact Sheet

Police action in response to sexting – briefing

Contextual Safeguarding Briefing 2020

NSPCC Definitions & Signs of Child Abuse

Ofsted Inspecting Safeguarding Guidance