Striking Primary Results Published

The ongoing gap in outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in year 6 at Key Stage 2 in 2024 has been recently highlighted by a piece from FFT Education Datalab*. It shows attainment levels at the end of Year 6 for pupils who are disadvantaged and those who aren’t at 16% for reading and 20% for maths. In 2024, at Hatton Academies Trust, there was no gap in the attainment in reading or maths for our primary pupils. All pupils (including disadvantaged) have achieved at least the national average in both subjects. We are so proud of our staff whose collective efforts to ensure every pupil reaches their potential.
How have we done this? Let’s look at maths which still has the greatest gap nationally.
Over the past 18 months, we have completely changed the way we teach maths, starting with distinct longer fluency sessions taught expertly each day and with consistency in every classroom. In these daily fluency sessions, we have dedicated choral learning, short teacher pin point explanation with pupils attempting and applying knowledge immediately for a few minutes and then a dedicated period of independent practice of known basics. This year our disadvantaged pupils attainment for KS2 maths was at 73%. We were very clear that the average mark on paper 1 for our schools had to be at least 30/40 marks and we achieved this. Pupils achieving this score unlocks automaticity for them on papers 2 and 3.
Our schools are all in areas of high deprivation and they are achieving. If you want to come and see how we do it, just get in contact on
*Data analysis published by FFT Education September 2024.