Victoria Academy’s Aspirational Ofsted Report

We are all celebrating the positive outcome of the most recent Ofsted inspection at Victoria Primary Academy, which confirmed it as a ‘good’ school as an overall judgement and in all aspects of its work. The report, published by Ofsted last month, is the academy’s third inspection since joining our Trust in 2014.
Ofsted inspectors, who judged the academy to be ‘good’ in all five areas of the inspection framework, stated:
“Aspiration’ is a key word at Victoria Primary Academy. It is central to everything leaders do, from the design of the school’s ambitious curriculum to the awe-inspiring trips on offer.”
“Staff enjoy working at Victoria Primary Academy. They appreciate the consideration given to their workload and the opportunities to develop their career.”
“Staff have high expectations of pupils’ attitudes and conduct. Pupils are polite and hard working. They move between activities calmly and sensibly. Adults deal with behaviour that falls below these high standards effectively and consistently.”
Other highlights of the report include:
- “Significant improvements have been made at Victoria Primary Academy in recent years. Pupils now benefit from a good quality of education.”
- “Victoria is a vibrant, happy place. Pupils feel safe and secure. They know that the staff care for them.”
- “Reading is a priority at Victoria. Leaders have a sharp focus on raising attainment in phonics. They have ensured that staff have the expertise to teach pupils how to read.”
- “Children in Reception benefit from a warm, nurturing early years environment.”
- “The curriculum for pupils’ personal development is a considerable strength. Pupils … hold open, inclusive, and welcoming attitudes to difference and diversity. Pupils have many opportunities to experience new things and broaden their horizons.”
Ian Pearson, our Principal at Victoria Primary Academy, said: “This is a fantastic report which reflects the hard work of both children and staff over the last few years. It rightly shows that Victoria is a school that provides a high quality curriculum, achieves very high standards of behaviour and has real ambition for every single one of its pupils. I couldn’t be any more delighted about how well the report shows the progress secured at Victoria. I would like to thank all pupils for the hard work, parents for their support and the staff for their dedication- everyone has contributed towards this incredible outcome.”
Rob Hardcastle, our Chief Executive Officer, said: ‘This inspection report really demonstrates the high standard of education provided by all who work at Victoria Primary Academy. I have no doubt all the staff at Victoria will continue their journey towards achieving excellence and ensure all of its pupils fulfil their potential. Directors and staff have prioritised long term sustainable change at Victoria and it is right that Ofsted have recognised the impact of this approach. All of our Trust academies are now rated as Good or better by Ofsted.’